
Global Fastener News

Wilcox New DrillCo President

July 31
00:00 2012

Mark Wilcox is the new North American president of DrillCo Cutting Tools, owner Chad Mouton announced.

Wilcox was with Sandvik subsidiary Precision Twist Drill (Precision Dormer) in various roles for the past 32 years – including North American president.

“Mark’s experience with both the manufacturing and sales sides of the business will be a huge asset to propel DrillCo to the next level,” Mouton said. “Mark will be tasked with growing marketing share, creating and executing our marketing strategy, and taking advantage of new market opportunities that exist.”

Incorporated in 1978, Drillco sells domestic and imported metal cutting tools through 2,000 distributors globally. Drillco has inventory in Los Angeles, Kansas City, Atlanta and Charlotte and is headquartered at 13011 S. Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Tel: 225 272-8251 or 800 851-3821 Fax 225 273-9201 E-mail: sales@drillcocuttingtools.com ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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Related Links:

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