
Global Fastener News

Survey: Exhibitors Want Only One National Fastener Trade Show

October 25
00:00 2000

Survey: Exhibitors Want Only One National Fastener Trade Show

John Wolz

No one is providing the fastener distributor trade show configuration a majority of exhibitors want, according to an online survey conducted by AWP Research.
When exhibitors at North American fastener expositions were asked what is the single best configuration, three options with the term “one national” totaled 88.5%.
“More than one national” was supported by only 3.8%.\
A majority of exhibitors gave thumbs down to two national shows, with 51.9% rating multiple shows as “poor” and another 11.5% pegging multiple shows at “fair.” The “excellent,” “good” and “average” ratings all fell short of even double-digit support and combined totaled only 25%.
National shows should be longer, exhibitors said. Nearly 10% want the shows to be three days or more; 30.8% two days; and another quarter want 1.5 days. A one-day national show was supported by 26.9%.
Complete results of the survey will be published in the next issue of FIN.
For a complete listing of fastener trade shows worldwide click on the Trade Shows tab at www.FastenerNews.com

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