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SPAX Taps Online ‘Influencers’ To Market Fasteners

SPAX Taps Online ‘Influencers’ To Market Fasteners
January 26
16:43 2023

SPAX Engineered Fasteners is expanding its marketing through a crew of influencers, a nationwide network of contractors and craftsmen who use social media to showcase projects made with SPAX structural fasteners, driving demand for its products at lumber yards and building supply stores.

While influencer marketing, a form of social media marketing also known as branded content or working with creators, isn’t new, it’s not widely utilized in the fastener industry.  But that didn’t stop SPAX.

Marketing director Robert Knecht said the influencer program began with contractor trade shows.  SPAX welcomed contractors to drive screws in the SPAX booth.  Actual contractors “started seeing” how SPAX installs and began “taking a liking to our brand and posting it on websites.”

Individual woodworkers started posting on Instagram or other social media.  Most were time-lapse videos. 

“We love it when they slow it down and show hard-to-see screw applications,” Knecht said.

The influencers get watched by colleagues looking for tips on “getting around sticky situations” in woodworking.

“Our product line is traditionally big box retail and DIY customers,” Knecht told GlobalFastenerNews.com.

Mark and Theresa from MyFixItUpLife.com

“Among pro contractors and advanced DIY-ers who use our fasteners, SPAX has extremely strong recognition and brand loyalty,” Knecht said.  “Our goal with the SPAX crew is to build relationships with these influencers and amplify their voices, letting them tell their unique stories about why they choose SPAX.”

 “The SPAX crew program aims to engage multiple audience levels, from everyday product users to larger-scale influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers,” Knecht said. 

SPAX crew members share social content about their projects and receive branded SPAX swag and product samples.  But most influencers aren’t looking for anything from SPAX, Knecht finds. 

“They may gain an audience and respect as an influencer.”

In some cases, SPAX has shared videos and there could be situations where SPAX could compensate influencers.

“Homeowners want to show off their work,” Knecht said.

D’ondra Howard of Workboots & Glasses, a furniture maker and custom woodworker in Sacramento, CA, is a SPAX influencer.  

“I’ve been using SPAX fasteners for the two years that I have been creating custom home furnishings,” Howard said.  “I like the products and they were easy to get and use.  They don’t strip like others I’ve used before.”

SPAX launched a website for its crew influencer program: SPAX.us/SPAX-crew.

The SPAX crew started with about 20 influencers and Knecht says the number has grown to over 300.

Knecht noted that while it’s difficult to show specific sales results from SPAX’s influencer program, there has been sales growth in the channel.  The growth also has led to a contractor advisory group where SPAX asks five people for a one-year commitment in advising on products.

Beyond the SPAX marketing team, Knecht credits Interrupt, its Ohio advertising agency. 

“It was not on our own.  We developed together with our agency.”

Founded in 1981 as TruFast, today SPAX is owned by Germany-based Altenloh, Brinck & Co. Group.  SPAX fasteners are German-engineered and manufactured in Bryan, OH, at a 200,000 sq ft facility with engineering, manufacturing, administration and central warehousing.  Web: Altenloh.US

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