
Global Fastener News

SHORT TAKES: Cardinal Fastener, Endries, Fullco, Lee S. Johnson Associates, Morton Industrial Sales, Powers Fasteners, Prophet 21, Bruce Meade & Associates, Standard Fasteners

February 12
00:00 2004

SHORT TAKES: Cardinal Fastener, Endries, Fullco, Lee S. Johnson Associates, Morton Industrial Sales, Powers Fasteners, Prophet 21, Bruce Meade & Associates, Standard Fasteners

Jason Sandefur

Cardinal Fastener & Specialty Co. president John Grabner named three new rep firms: Hendrickson & O�Brien Sales, Mulane Sales & Manufacturing and Sutherland Industrial Sales.
Matt Mulane covers Florida and Georgia, Gene Hendrickson and Clare O�Brien rep New England, and John Sutherland is in Upstate New York.
Founded in 1968, Cardinal manufactures hot forged fasteners and is located at 5185 Richmond Rd., Bedford Heights, OH 44146. Tel: 216 831-3800 Fax 216 831-3800 Web: cardinalfasteneer.com

Steve Endries was promoted from senior vice president to president of Endries International. He succeeds his father, Bob Endries, who founded the company in 1970 and built it to $100 million in annual sales. Bob Endries will retain an advisory role when he officially leaves the family-owned company in July.
Bob Endries and spouse Pat Endries started the company as Bob Endries� Auto Specialties in the basement of their Brillion, WI, home. The company expanded into industrial fasteners in 1975.
Endries has been president of the National Fastener Distributors Association and the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association. He is a member of the NIFS Hall of Fame. Ernst & Young named Endries the Wisconsin Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2000. He received the Wisconsin Small Business Person of the Year award in 1986, and the U.S. Business Administration�s Entrepreneurial Success Award in 1999.
Steve Endries has been involved in the business for 15 years. He has been a regional manager and vice president of sales & marketing.
Endries International is a global class C commodities distributor and VMI provider for class C to OEM and MRO customers. Endries is headquartered at 714 W. Ryan St., Brillion, WI 54110. Tel: 920 756-6171 Fax 920 756-2925 E-mail: steve.endries@endries.com or bob.endries@endries.com Web: endries.com

Don Baxter joined the Fullco Industries Inc. management team, CEO Thomas Fuller announced. Fuller cited Baxter�s domestic and international purchasing and sales experience as balancing the Fullco management team. “In addition, his overall management skills fit well into our growth plans for the future,” Fuller noted.
Fullco, founded in 1986, distributes fasteners, forgings, stampings and extrusions to OEM and aftermarket customers. Fullco is located at 1930 Dean St., St. Charles, IL 60174 Tel: 630 377-6886 or 888 438-5526 Fax 630 377-7613 E-mail: info@fullco.com Web: fullco.com

Lee S. Johnson Associates Inc. is marking its 20th anniversary. The manufacturer rep agency has been headed by president Lee Johnson Jr. since founder Lee Johnson Sr. died in 1998. Jay Hoch is the New York/New Jersey territory manager; Darlene Flood, inside sales manager; and Fran Newlin, inside sales/office manager.
“My father would be very, very proud of what the agency has accomplished since his passing in 1998,” Johnson Jr. reflected. “He put all the pieces in place for this agency to be successful. Without his ambition, courage and discernment I would not be here today. We are also very fortunate to be surrounded by some great and loyal principals.”
Johnson Associates reps manufacturers of fasteners, industrial, electrical and specialty products in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York. The address is P.O. Box 89, Spring City, PA 19475. Tel: 877 634-7377 Fax 866 329-5752 E-mail: lee@lsjassoc.com Web: lsjassoc.com

John Morton is marking the 30th anniversary of Morton Industrial Sales Co. Founded in February 1974, Morton reps in New England and upstate New York.
Morton was a sales manager for plastic fasteners manufacturer Non-Metallics of Waltham, MA, from 1969 to 1974.
From 1977 to 1982 Morton partnered with Tom Wolf in Morton Wolf Assoc., and in 1982 he returned to Morton Industrial. In 1990 he teamed up with John Sutherland, who sub-reps in portions of New England and handles upstate New York on his own.
Micro Plastics of Flippin, AR, was the first company Morton represented. Other early companies included Semblex, Crescent Mfg., I.G. Marston, Phoenix Washer and Hobbs Mfg. Over the years other companies included Reynolds Fasteners, Wrought Washer, Screws Indusries, Huck Mfg. and J.W. Winco.
Current companies Morton reps are SPS/Unbrako, Richard Manno Co., Titan Fastener Products, Prestige Stamping, CP Plastic Fasteners, CSM Fastener Products, Fastar Inc., Drillco Cutting Tools, Hill Fasteners Corp., Continental-Aero, IFS International, Qualtool Inc. and Implemented Solutions Inc.
MISCO is a member of the New England Fastener Distributors Association and the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association. Morton has been a NEFDA board member and membership chair.
MISCO is located at 933 Nantasket Ave., Hull, MA 02045. Tel: 781 925-0161 Fax 781 925-8846 E-mail: miscom@comcast.net

Powers Fasteners Inc. added two new branch warehouses to enhance coverage on the East and West coasts, vice president Len Colasuonno announced.
Powers Fasteners opened a 6,000 sq ft facility in Beltsville, MD, to boost service in the Washington, D.C., area. Gary Engleman was named branch manager. Tel: 301 210-1430
Powers Fasteners also added a 20,000 sq ft warehouse at 2761 Dow Ave., Tustin, CA. Shawn Hazen, who has been with the company since 2000, was named branch manager. Mike Wells will handle outside sales, and Steve Kelley will serve as regional engineer. Tel: 714 731-2500
Powers Fasteners makes mechanical, adhesive and powder-actuated fastening systems, and is headquartered at 2 Powers Square, New Rochelle, NT 10801. Tel: 914 235-6300 Web: powers.com

Software developer Prophet 21 announced a summit for customers March 25-28 in St. Louis. The program includes conferences, technology demonstrations and networking.
Founded in 1967, Prophet 21 reports 2,400 customers and 80,000 users conducting $41 billion in business. Prophet 21 acquired fastener software developer Faspac in 2003. Prophet 21 is located at 19 W. College Ave., Yardley, PA 19067. Tel: 215 493-8900 or 800 776-7438 Fax 215 369-4251 Web: p21.com

Bruce Meade launched a fastener metallurgical and laboratory consulting business in Rockford, IL. R. Bruce Meade & Associates LLC offers consultation in fastener failure, raw materials, metallographic, coating and testing. Meade is 32-year veteran of the fastener industry, including 25 years with Camcar Textron�s quality assurance group. Meade is active in fastener committees for the Industrial Fasteners Institute, ASTM and SAE.
R. Bruce Meade and Associates is located at 5842 El Paso Circle, Rockford, IL 61108-6720. Tel: 815 398-8413 Fax 815 398-8419 E-mail: brucemeade@fastenermetallurgy.com Web: fastenermetallurgy.com

Standard Fasteners & Supply Co. Inc. is marking its 30th anniversary.
Standard Fasteners, headed by president Glen Slaton, distributes a full line of fasteners and specializes in B7 studs. Standard is located at 804 Montana, South Houston, TX 77546. Tel: 713 946-2177 or 800 765-5123 Fax 713 943-3534 E-mail: glen@standardfas@aol.com Web: standardfasteners.com \ �2004 FastenerNews.com

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