Rakowski Joins Orbitform
August 28
Rakowski Joins Orbitform
John Wolz
Steve Rakowski joined Orbitform Group as Marathon Welding Automation team leader. Rakowski joined Orbitform from SolidWorks. Orbitform acquired Marathon Weld Tool earlier this y;ear. Orbitform also includes Milford Fastening Systems, Rollerform, Adtech, Watchdawg process monitoring and process control and Arbor Automation. provides orbital riveters, orbit forming equipment, impact rivet machines, rollerforming and thernuforming. Orbitform is headquartered at 1600 Executive Dr., Jackson, MI 49203. Tel: 517 787-9447 Fax 517 787-6609 E-mail: sales@orbiform.com Web: orbitform.com �2006 FastenerNews.com
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