Porteous Opening Canadian Branch; Clark Named Manager
Porteous Opening Canadian Branch; Clark Named Manager
John Wolz
Porteous Fastener Company will open its 17the branch and first Canadian branch, COO Bob Porteous announced.
The 22,000 sq ft Vancouver area warehouse will be headed by Fred Clark, a 29-year Canadian fastener veteran. Clark has worked for several distributors and owned his owned fastener business before joining PFC. “All of the distributors here in Canada are very excited that a major North American master fastener distributor is entering this market,” Clark noted. The new branch is located at 9565 198th St., Langley, BC V1M 3B8 Canada. E-mail: fclark@porteousfastener.com
Inside sales support will initially be handled in the Seattle branch and orders pulled and shipped from Langley. “The plan for the future includes a sales staff in Langley, but for now our Seattle branch has the customer relationships and knows the market,” Jay Hebert, senior vice president of sales, said. Kurt Valli and Jim Simmons head the Pacific Northwest team. The Seattle branch is located at 8307 S. 192nd St., Seattle, WA 98032. Tel: 425 656-9703 or 800 935-1502 Fax 425 656-9709 E-mail: seattle@porteousfastener.com
Porteous is a master distributor and importer selling to distributors and is headquartered at 1040 Watson Center Rd., Carson, CA 90745-4227. Tel: 310 549-9180 or 800 426-6887 Fax 310 835-0415 E-mail: sales@porteousfastener.com Web: porteousfastener.com
�2007 FastenerNews.com
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