
Global Fastener News

Participate in the End of 2012 FIN Survey

December 13
00:00 2012


The 33rd annual FIN Survey of the Fastener Industry is enclosed with this issue.  Fill it out and fax or mail back by December 30, 2011. 

• You can also take the FIN Survey online at GlobalFastenerNews.com

• The FIN Survey monitors sales, profits, prices, margins, turnovers, inventory, pay raises and other key indicators to provide you with benchmarks to measure your company performance.

• The FIN Survey also provides indicators for the coming year.

• All responses are strictly confidential and no individual responses are kept.


Last year’s FIN Survey found the fastener industry in improved shape over 2009.

Sales and profit gains in the fastener industry for 2010 were widespread as aerospace, automotive and industrial demand grew.

After hitting a record low in 2009, the FIN Company Performance Index rose to 6.2 in 2010 from 3.8 the previous year.

Capital investment in the fastener industry grew for the first time in six years, as more companies boosted capacity.


At the end of 2010, the FIN Survey more than seven in 10 fastener companies anticipated prices increases in 2011, while 20% expected prices to remain unchanged. Only 3% predicted prices would fall during 2011.

Sales – Just over 80% of fastener companies predicted sales growth for 2011. About 65% estimated the growth with be “moderate,” while 17% forecast “strong” gains.

Costs — A 66% majority forecast cost increases during 2011, with 58% expecting a “moderate” increase and 6% bracing for “strong” cost hikes.

Employment — Close to half of companies intended to add jobs in 2011, while 51% expected to operate at current workforce levels.

Capital Investment — After five straight years of declines, the level of capital investment in the fastener industry increased in 2010, with more expected in the coming months. ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com

Participate in your industry by taking the 34th annual FIN Survey of the Fastener Industry. (Click HERE to begin.)


• The FIN Survey monitors sales, profits, prices, margins, turnovers, inventory, pay raises and other key indicators to provide you with benchmarks to measure your company performance.

• The FIN Survey also provides indicators for the coming year.

• All responses are strictly confidential and no individual responses are kept.


Last year’s FIN Survey found the fastener industry stronger than the previous year.

Increased sales and profits were on the menu of fastener companies in 2011.

Nearly eight in ten businesses — 78% — reported “moderate” to

“strong” sales growth during the year, representing the second straight year of sales growth by at least three out of four fastener companies.

An even 50% of fastener firms said sales grew at a “moderate” pace, while 28% saw “strong” sales growth. (Click HERE to begin.) ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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