
Global Fastener News

Nedschroef Opens Cold Forming Academy

Nedschroef Opens Cold Forming Academy
May 06
00:00 2014


Nedschroef Machinery has opened Nedform Academy to provide training for cold heading technology.

The academy is based at Herentals, Belgium, where three state-of-the-art multi-station Nedform cold heading machines are available for practical instruction. 

Training courses include a three-day “Cold Metal Forming From Theory to Practice” seminar; operator machine training course; and “From Wire to Fastener” for new fastener manufacturers. 

“Manufacturers of metal fasteners and parts are increasingly being asked to manufacture products with a complex geometry,” according to Nedschroef. “Often these products will still be turned on a lathe, but high volumes mean that cold forming is an attractive alternative.”

Cold forming requires knowledge of basic materials, tools and machine operations for production on multi-station cold forming machines. That knowledge “is what the Nedform Acadmey is all about.”

Cold forming technology allows high speed production with a minimum of waste, offering an alternative to lathe-turning, milling, grinding, drilling and welding, especially in high volume parts.

Training is available in English and German languages.

For information contact Nedschroef Machinery. Tel: (32) 14 257 141 Email: nedformacademy@nedschroef.be Web: nedschroefmachinery.com

Founded in 1961, Nedschroef Machinery supplies multistation, cold and warm metal forming machines.

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