
Global Fastener News

Nedschroef Now Reps Essebi

February 07
00:00 2005

Nedschroef Now Reps Essebi

John Wolz

Nedschroef Herental NV is now representing Essebi coldforming machines in North America, general sales manager Marc van Thiel announced.
The North American office for the Netherlands-based Nedschroef Herentals is Nedschroef Detroit Corporation. It recently moved to 5690 18 Mile Rd., Sterling Heights, MI 48314 Tel: 586 795-1248 Fax 586 795-1216 E-mail: Essebi@nedschroef.net Nedschroef Detroit provides service and parts for Belgium-built Nedschroef coldformers and Essebi machines. Marc Rigole is general manager and Steven Verkerke tooling engineer.

Ozzero, Italy-based Essebi produces 1 die/3 blow, 4die/4blow and 5 die/5 blow coldformers up to 10 mm (3/8″) diameter. The Essebi coldfodrmers are complementary to Nedschroef”s range that start with 10mm and go up to 33 mm. > �2005 FastenerNews.com

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