
Global Fastener News

Meier Acquires Samson

June 06
00:00 2003

Meier Acquires Samson

John Wolz

Meier Transmission Ltd. acquired Samson Industrial, Meier Holding LLC CEO Tom Bohardt announced.
Meier Transmission, headquartered in Cleveland, OH, has $60 million in annual sales and 250 employees.
Tulsa-based Samson distributes fasteners, hose, gasketing, belting and safety products from 13 locations in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina.
Meier Transmission and Samson will be subsidiaries of Meier Holding LLC. Samson will continue to operate as Samson Industrial, with Bohardt as president.
Meier Transmission, founded in 1948, distributes electrical and mechanical power transmission, motion control and machine safety products. Web: MeierTransmission.com �2003 FastenerNews.com

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