
Global Fastener News

Magni Group Hires Soma and Richards

November 25
00:00 2004

Magni Group Hires Soma and Richards

Jason Sandefur

Jim Soma joined The Magni Group Inc. as non-automotive sales manager, and Betsy Richards was hired as marketing coordinator, president Tim Berry announced. Soma had been a Robert Bosch Corp. security devices sales engineer for GM electronics. Richards had been with Quell Communications Group.
Founded in 1974, Magni manufactures protective coatings for fasteners and other metal products. Magni products are sold on five continents. The Birmingham, MI-based company”s primary market is the auto industry. Magni has research and manufacturing facilities in Michigan and Kentucky, and operates metal finishers Depor Industries in Troy, MI; Anti-Friction Enterprises in Ontario, Canada; and Magni Europe, based in -France. Web: themagnigroup.com �2004 FastenerNews.com

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