
Global Fastener News

INTERNET: FERA Puts Fastener Engineering Info on Web

April 03
00:00 2001

INTERNET: FERA Puts Fastener Engineering Info on Web

John Wolz

The Fastener Engineering & Research Association is changing its publications from printed to a computer-based system.
FERA members will be issued business card-size CD-ROMs to install a Toolkit with all existing FERA literature. Future publications will be e-mailed to members to add to their Toolkits.
Thus a member needing information on a fastener�s tensile strength can search for that topic, and within seconds the Toolkit will find all references in any FERA document.
�I believe an up-to-the-minute organization whose principal aim is to push forward the boundaries of fastener technology needs an up-to-the-minute format which will be of greater practical use to FERA members,� general secretary John Fletcher said.
The development of the FERA Toolkit was financed by TR Europe, the principal sponsor of the nonprofit association for engineers who specify threaded fasteners.
The Toolkit also contains useful e-mail and web links, including FERA officers and associated organizations.
Web site: fera.org.uk

� Keen Fastening Systems Inc. launched a new interactive web site at keenfastsy.com The site includes RFQs and surplus fastener queries. Elk Grove Village, IL-based Keen is a 29-year-old manufacturer of special and semi-special cold-headed fasteners. E-mail: keenfastsy@aol.com
� Faspac Systems Inc. released the second phase of its web interface, which enables fastener distributors and manufacturers to conduct B2B sales over the Internet. FWI allows users to search for and view products, request quotes and place orders 24/7. Thomas Tumbarello of Brico Industries said, �We immediately began receiving orders over the web, which far exceeded our expectations.� Brico�s goal is to have 15% to 20% of sales on the Internet. �This will clearly free our salespeople to handle the larger, more complex orders and give our customers more efficient service.� E-mail: sales@faspac.com. Web: faspac.com
� Fontana Distribution Inc. CEO Serge Zerey announced the Elgin, IL-based metric supplier has placed its inventory for distributors online at FontanaUSA.com
� Fastener Internet software provider Partini Inc. and Pentacon Inc., a distributor to OEMs, agreed to jointly develop and test Partini software with Pentacon�s supply chain. Pentacon acquired rights to use the Partini Solution and will be an advisor. �Given that Pentacon has dedicated such a tremendous amount of time and resources developing an e-commerce strategy, their selection of the Partini Solution is especially gratifying,� Partini president Larry Del Santo said. Pentacon Industrial Group president Jeff Fatica expects the Partini software will �lower costs, improve existing processes and grow revenues.� Web: pentacon.com and partini.com
� St. Charles, IL-based adhesive and sealants applicator Bradley Group of Companies launched bradleygroupcoatings.com with technical data and e-commerce for bulk products, marketing vice president Stephen Smith announced. E-mail: coatingpros@aol.com
� Isser & Associates Inc. launched isserpr.com for media access to its public relations clients, president Mike Isser announced. Fastener clients include Nylok Fastener Corporation and Powers Fasteners Inc. The new e-mail address is: info@isserpr.com
� 3M Automotive launched a web site for fastener adhesives and sealants, including Scotch-Grip coatings for threaded fasteners or the seal around them. 3m.com/scotch-grip
� Stockout Ltd. launched stockout.co.uk as an inventory purchase or sale virtual warehouse for the fastener, fixing and hardware industries, director Tony Balmforth announced. Buyers and sellers can add or edit on the site
� FastenerExchange.com AG president Nikolas Dicke announced the Germany-based company received funding totaling several million dollars from a consortium of investors to further develop the fastener portal�s software and roll out a new selling tool, RAMP4C, and purchasing tool, RAMP4S. �The trust shown by our investors proves our business model,� Dicke said. �Our marketplace and our newly developed RAMP4 e-commerce suite are looking at very promising futures and prove our commitment to branch-specific, Internet-based products, which provide significant process cost savings to our customers.� FastenerExchange and its parent company, Matchbid AG, moved to Immermannstr. 51, 40210 D�sseldorf, Germany. Matchbid: Tel: (49) 211 60 08 40 10 Fax (49) 211 60 08 40 11 E-mail: info@matchbid.com Web: matchbid.com FastenerExchange.com: Tel: 49 211 60 08 43 20 Fax (49) 211 60 08 43 21 E-mail: info@fastenerexchange.com Web: FastenerExchange.com � \
�2001 FastenerNews.com

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