
Global Fastener News

Hayes of Hawaii Nut & Bolt to Retire

February 01
00:00 2003

Hayes of Hawaii Nut & Bolt to Retire

John Wolz

Bill Hayes, a veteran of 32 years in the fastener industry, announced he is retiring and has put his Hawaii Nut & Bolt Inc. up for sale.
Hawaii Nut & Bolt was started the Honolulu distributorship 24 years ago and is offered as a “stock sales” and for “cash only,” Hayes said. The business includes inventory and real estate, but not debt.
“I want to thank all my suppliers, supporters and �fastener friends� for their backing through the years,” Hayes said. “Special thanks go to Mel Kirsner of Pell Mell for giving him a start in the industry.”
Hayes is widely known for his role in amending the U.S. Fastener Quality Act.
Hayes can be contacted at his Montana home: Rancho La Mancha, P.O. Box 910, Eureka, MT 59917. Tel: 406 889-5253 Fax 406 889-5666. �2003 FastenerNews.com

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