
Global Fastener News

GE Industrial Products Segment Improves

July 11
00:00 2003

GE Industrial Products Segment Improves

Jason Sandefur

General Electric reported second quarter revenues for its Industrial Products segment, including fasteners, rose 14% to $2.16 billion, while Q2 profit increased 13% to $177 million.
Overall GE earnings in Q2 fell 14% to $3.79 billion on flat sales of $33.4 billion.
During the first half of 2003, GE reported its Industrial Products segment saw a 15% increase in revenue to $4 billion, while first half earnings grew 13% to $316 million.
Overall first half revenues remained virtually unchanged at $63.83 billion, while first half profits dipped 1.9% to $6.8 billion.
GE is the parent company of Irving, TX-based fastener distributor GE Supply Logistics, formerly known as Questron Technologies Inc. Web: ge.com �2003 FastenerNews.com

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