
Global Fastener News

Finnveden’s Bufab Teams With SPS

April 22
00:00 2003

Finnveden’s Bufab Teams With SPS

Jason Sandefur

Finnveden Group�s Bufab, a Nordic fastener supplier, announced new contracts worth SEK 50 million (U.S.$6 million) annually. The contracts are with Ensto, Ericsson and SPS Technologies. Bufab will supply fasteners to electrical systems maker Ensto�s plants in Finland, Estonia and Poland. The new contracts also broaden Bufab�s relationship with Ericsson and provide SPS exclusive rights to represent the company�s Bumax line of stainless steel and corrosion-resistant fasteners to North America.
Varnoma, Sweden-based Bufab provides fasteners to such companies as Nokia, Electrolux and IKEA, with annual sales of SEK 900 million and 400 employees. Web: finnveden.se �2003 FastenerNews.com

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