
Global Fastener News

FIN Ignite Session on Fastener History

FIN Ignite Session on Fastener History
February 14
00:00 2014

2/14/2014 1:23:00 AM

FIN is presenting at the NFDA / PacWest IGNITE session on Friday with a sampling of headlines from the Fastener History section. 

Stories include:

Fastener Companies

2003 FIN – Chronology of the 1st 100 Years of SPS Technologies

1906 – SPS begins manufacturing flush head set screws for use in a pressed steel shaft collar.


1992 FIN – Penn Engineering Marks 50th Anniversary

Founded in 1942 by K.A. Swanstrom, production started in a rented section of a Pennsylvania stocking mill.


1986 FIN – Mud Slowing Construction of Nucor Fastener Plant in Indiana

Nucor success will refute naysayers who have given up on this country’s ability to compete.


1987 FIN – Elgin Becomes a New Name in Fastener Industry

Elgin acquires Nortek’s Chandler, Cornell, Ohio Rod and Fasteners Inc.


1989 FIN – Fastenal Expanding in Cities With 20,000 to 70,000 Populations

Fastenal said there are between 500 and 700 such potential U.S. markets waiting to be exploited.


1997 FIN – Global Giant Würth Reentering North American Fastener Market

Last month Service Supply Company of Indiana, with 41 midwestern branches in 21 states, announced it was negotiating a sale to Würth group.



Fastener People

2001 FIN – Win Adams: Getting the Order

“My strength was always getting an order,” Adams reflects on his 38 years in the fastener industry. “I was destined to be in a sales company.”


2001 FIN – Calfee: How to Sell Fasteners & Stay Out of Jail

Calfee urged distributors to “make sure you know who you are buying from. Make sure the paperwork matches.”


1983 FIN – Shrum, Broehm, Revercomb, Baker, Goodwin, Stanley and Snider on Surviving the Recession

FIN asked a number of executives in the fastener industry to give us their prognostications for the days ahead.



1994 FIN – Northwest Distributor Johnson Wins Small Business Battle in Congress

President of Vancouver (Washington) Bolt & Supply battled Congress to protect small businesses from a prohibitive loan prepayment clause.


Fastener History

1997 FIN Calendar – 256 B.C., 1569, 1798, 1813, 1841, 1859, 1883, 1887 & 1892 Fastener Dates From Mel’s Fastener Museum

These quotes preserve at least a peak at materials lost in the 2003 Southern California wildfire.


2003 FIN – California Fires Destroy Mel’s Fastener Museum

The collection included an 1892 catalogue from Pawtucket Manufacturing Co. and a book, History of the Bolt & Nut Industry, written by W.R. Wilbur in 1905



1983 FIN – 10 Fastener Associations Representing 1,000 Companies With 30,000 Employeess Hold First Joint Networking Meeting

The country-of-origin marking requirements, mandated by recently passed customs regulations, was unanimously considered the most important problem facing fastener distributors.


2000 FIN – Perspective: A Renewed Form of Consolidation?

Ruetz sees an advantage of some form of consolidation as eliminating the cost of redundancies.


The Internet

1996 FIN: Fastener Firms Start Marketing on the Internet

“We are getting business from places we never heard from before,” Bobby Barnhill said. 


1996 FIN – What is a Web Site Home Page?

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• What Should U.S. Do to Boost Domestic Fastener Manufacturing?

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