
Global Fastener News

Fastener Industry Confident in New White House on Business Issues

Fastener Industry Confident in New White House on Business Issues
January 20
00:02 2017

The new president of the United States takes office with ratings from the fastener industry matching 2001 and above 2009.

The End of 2016 FIN Survey participants expressed more confidence in the incoming White House on business issues than eight years ago.

The 2017 incoming White House rates 3.5 on a 1-to-5 scale, compared with 2.3 for 2009 and matching 3.5 for 2001.

After the 2000 presidential election, the industry’s confidence in the incoming White House was at 3.5 – a jump from 2.6 at the end of 1999.  However, the confidence in the George W. Bush administration mostly sank during the subsequent eight years, ending at 2.3 after a recession that started at the end of 2007.

After the 2008 election, the incoming White House rated 2.3 – the same rating as the outgoing administration. 

The End of 2008 FIN Survey was conducted before President-elect Barack Obama visited Cardinal Fastener en route to his inauguration. 

This year, almost half the 38th annual FIN Survey participants expressed “High” confidence in Donald Trump’s incoming White House on business issues.  Another 36% rated their confidence as“Moderate” and 14% “Low.”

The End of 2016 FIN Survey participants expressed lower confidence in the incoming Congress than the incoming White House on business issues, with half pegging their Congressional confidence at  “Moderate” vs. 35% “High” and 15% “Low.”

The End of 2016 FIN Survey was conducted during December 2016.  The FIN Survey is informal and not designed to be a scientific survey.  Click Here for the full FIN Survey results.

FIN Survey topics include the North American and global economies, Sales, Profits, Costs, Capital Expenditures, Prices, Pay and Inventory.

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