
Global Fastener News

FAA Fines Boeing for Substandard Fasteners

May 28
00:00 2004

FAA Fines Boeing for Substandard Fasteners

Jason Sandefur

American Airlines and Boeing Corp. agreed to pay $3.3 million to settle allegations they violated federal regulations related to maintenance and use of substandard fasteners, the Wall Street Journal reported. American paid $2.5 million to settle Federal Aviation Administration allegations that the airline violated flight operation and maintenance rules. Boeing paid a civil penalty of $824,800 for failing to maintain its quality-control system for production of 737, 747, 767 and 777 jets from October 1998 to April 2002. According to the Journal, Chicago-based Boeing had acknowledged using defective insulation and substandard fasteners during the period. �2004 FastenerNews.com

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