Entegra Moving Distribution to Frankfort
Entegra Moving Distribution to Frankfort
John Wolz
Entegra Fastener Corp. will move its distribution center to Indiana during the fourth quarter and expand manufacturing capability in the current warehouse space in suburban Chicago.
Entegra is merging its distribution center with sibling company, Lake Erie Screw Corp., in Frankfort, IN.
Entegra currently outsources heat treating and plating. When the integration is complete, many of those processes will be completed inhouse for faster turnarounds.
Entegra�s inventory will be moved from its 40,000 sq ft Wood Dale, IL distribution center and the space will be increased manufacturing operations.
Entegra manufactures standard and special cold-headed fasteners. Lakewood, OH-based Lake Erie Screw manufactures a wide range of fasteners for standard and custom applications. Web: EntegraFastener.com �2002 FastenerNews.com
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