Double digit growth in the aerospace and automotive markets was partially offset by industrial market declines.

ITW reported Automotive OEM revenue, including fasteners, increased 12.3% in the final quarter of 2022, which included organic growth of 19.6%, partially offset by currency translation.

“We have progressed well despite the ongoing macroeconomic challenges,” said Arathi Krishna, managing director of the Chennai, India-based fastener manufacturer.
This marks the fifth year of partnership between the Fastener Training Institute (FTI) and Würth Industry North America (WINA).

The partnership expands both companies’ products, services and geographical footprint. Mid-State Bolt & Nut will now be known as a division of Field.

“We’re starting to see a number of demand drivers gathering momentum, including the reshoring of manufacturing, large infrastructure investments and grid modernization,” the company stated.

Brazilian manufacturer Hassmann began construction of a new 10,000m facility to expand its production plant, enabling it to produce more high performance industrial fasteners for customers around the world, Fastener + Fixing Magazine reports.
Morgan Rudolph of Rick Rudolph Associates is the 2023 president of the New England Fastener Distributors Association and Robert White of SB&W is VP.
Fastener Professional of the Year award honors individuals and companies who make exceptional contributions to their companies and to the industry.

Jack Kazmierczak has 20 years of fastener experience, starting as a tapping operator before graduating to a nut former.

Longtime regional manager will now manage national accounts for the construction fastener supplier.
Jones held many computer jobs, finishing in the fastener software industry first with IST and for the last thirteen and a half years as sales VP at INxSQL.
The technical training program is offered in partnership with IFI and is for fastener distributors, manufacturers and end-users.
“Adapting to the 2023 Fastener Climate” panelists are: Kelly Lehman, Pacific Warehouse Sales; Ryan McCaffrey, R&D Fasteners; Clay Weaver, Industrial Threaded Products; and Bryan Wheeler, Star Stainless.
Amid soft automotive demand, Böllhoff achieved much of its growth from other industries, with aerospace sales more than doubling in 2022.
To expand capacity, Boltun plans to build a 1.7 million sq ft factory in the Guiren district of Tainan City, Taiwan.
The $23 million plant will manufacture 800 tons of medium-to-short sizes of tapping, drilling and coated screws to supply North American and European customers.

Contract with a global automobile manufacturer for sub-assemblies for its electric vehicle (EV) platform.

Proferred Global Sales and Product director Scott Gibson will manage U.S. Anchor sales, while Larry Unger becomes Proferred National Drywall Account Manager.
The Colorado warehouse will serve OEMs in aerospace, electronic components and other advanced manufacturing industries.