Ohio-based AFC distributes fasteners and other C-parts from its 22 stocking locations across North America.
Würth will modernize its Erstein logistics hub, increasing the facility’s size by 6,000 square meters and building an automated high-bay warehouse.
“Growth in fastener products reflected further improvement in demand among traditional industrial and construction customers,” the company stated.
Altenloh, Brinck & Co. US, Inc. (ABC) hired two regional sales managers and a product development engineer. Scott Chaney and Tom Wylie are regional sales managers – Lumber Building Materials....

“The Industrial Fasteners Institute had tried to convince the Trump administration to include COTS fasteners in the 95% edict because U.S. fastener manufacturers have no trouble meeting the 95% requirement, but the government officials declined to do so, mostly because those products are so inexpensive,” according to the Fabricator.

The 2021 edition of the IFI Book of Fastener Standards is dedicated to the late Joe Greenslade, a well-known fastener expert who served as IFI Technical Director from 2007 to 2015 and was “a true fastener industry icon, highly respected and admired for everything he accomplished and mostly for the person he was.”
Stanley Engineered Fastening reversed its November 2020 decision to close its rivet factory in Stanfield, NC, the Stanly News & Press reports. The facility manufactures Avdel product, including rivets, lock bolts and engineered fasteners.

“We have to get through Covid, but it is a tough rock to push up the mountain,” lobbyist Christian Richter told the Midwest Fastener Association. “The president knows how to operate on Capitol Hill.”
With the O.K. plus Tools & Parts Inc. acquisitions, Derry subsidiary Field Fastener becomes a Huck master distributor and gains access to Huck brands.

“Logistics and transportation [are] a mess,” a respondent noted. “Steel prices are out of control, and supply is limited.”

Atlantic Fasteners will join Würth’s new business division, Würth Construction Services, together with Würth House of Threads, Weinstock Bros. and Würth Action Bolt and Tool.
The deal “joins Construction Fasteners’ sales and distribution team with TFI to better serve the Mississippi market,” according to TFI president Billy Duren.
Founded in 1982 and based in Union City, CA, Electrochem is a metal finishing company in Silicon Valley.
The All Integrated Solutions Minnesota warehouse is moving from New Brighton to 10680 Fountains Dr., Maple Grove, MN 55369-4640. The expanded warehouse opens February 15 and accommodates past growth and...

Wilson served as the Industrial Fasteners Institute’s technical director from 1963 until he retired in 2007, the longest serving director in IFI history.

“The cost of the containers have increased dramatically over the past 12 months,” Bob Sachs of XL Screw said. The shortage is due to a “perfect storm” created by a list of reasons for container shortage.
The 9th International Exhibition for the Fastener and Fixing Industry has been postponed from May to November 9-11, 2021, in Stuttgart, Germany. “This decision was taken in light of the...
The Connecticut-based fastener machinery supplier was “internationally focused,” while competitors limited themselves to the North American market, founder Mark Hariton commented.
Last December, the British & Irish Association of Fastener Distributors warned that a shipping container shortage at major global export ports was limiting fastener availability in the UK and Ireland,...

The Fastener Distributor Index improved to 62.6 in December from 54.5 the previous month, primarily driven by a strong expansion in the sales index.