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Bush Cuts Manufacturing Extension Partnership 63%

February 13
00:00 2004

Bush Cuts Manufacturing Extension Partnership 63%

The Bush Administration proposed at 63% cut in federal funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership program.
�The way things have things have been going for us manufacturers lately, I thought there was no way Bush could cut MEP again,� Spring Engineering president Tim Tindall said. �I guess that just shows how much we manufacturing folks know about the way they do things in Washington.�
Since the last employment peak in June 2000, the U.S. has lost 2.9 million manufacturing jobs.
The administration proposed a 63% cut in federal funding for MEP. The program is designed to help small manufacturers become more efficient and competitive.
MEP was named to the 100 �best resources for small business� by BizBest magazine in 2004.
Mike Coast, president of the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, credited Gov. Jennifer Granholm for supporting a statewide program which �will continue to be here in some shape or form to do what we can to help Michigan manufacturers.� �2004 FastenerNews.com

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