
Global Fastener News

Bally’s Drops Rate for West Show

September 11
00:00 2003

Bally’s Drops Rate for West Show

John Wolz

Bally�s Hotel lowered its Sunday and Monday night prices for the National Industrial Fastener Show/West to $105, but Tuesday night remains at $157.
The 7th annual West show will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday and 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, November 4-5, 2003, at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. Western Association of Fastener Distributors and Los Angles Fastener Association conferences and the opening reception are on Monday.
Bally�s is connected to the Paris Hotel.
The official fastener rate at Paris remains $177 per night. As of September 9, Paris starts at $159.95 on Hotels.com.
The deadline for hotel registration at official fastener prices is October 3.
Nearby hotel prices per night on Internet discount sites: At Orbitz.com, Aladdin is $118, Caesar�s Palace $129, Bourbon Street $55 and Days Inn $32; On Expedia.com Barbary Coast is $75; and Flamingo is $119.95 on Hotels.com.
The deadline for show attendee registration is October 10 for the advance discount of $40. Onsite attendee registration is $50.
For show information contact general manager Gloria Crase. E-mail: nifsco@fastenershows.com Web: fastenershows.com �2003 FastenerNews.com

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