Harry Branson Retires; Rebecca Branson New Threaded Rod CEO
April 05
Harry Branson Retires; Rebecca Branson New Threaded Rod CEO
John Wolz
Rebecca Branson is the new CEO of Threaded Rod Company Inc., upon the retirement of Harry Branson.
Harry Branson founded Indianapolis, IN-baed Threaded Rod in 1958 and has been in the fastener industry 50 years, including 13 years as a distributor and 37 as a manufacturer.
Rebecca Branson is also treasurer. She is a member of the Manufacturer�s Liaison committee of the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors
The management team also includes president Kim Stropes and national sales manager John Huff. E-mail: rbranson@threadedrod.com Web: threadedrod.com �2002 FastenerNews.com
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