
Global Fastener News

2013 Fastener Industry Obituaries

December 31
00:00 2013

12/31/2013 1:19:00 AM

For the fastener stories of these industry leaders, click on the Obituaries section of GlobalFastenerNews.com.

(in alphabetical order)

Mark Asher, 101, had owned Accurate Fastener Company.

Robert E. (Bob) Brynolf, 61, CEO and co-founder of Brynolf Manufacturing Inc.

John Henry Compall Sr., 74, co-founder of Master Fastener.

Raymond L. (Ray) Doane. His career included Lamson & Sessions, Ababa Bolt, Bonanza Nut & Bolt, Bossard USA, Porteous Fastener Co. and RB&W Corporation.

Ernest Eugene Komar, 75, founded Alma Bolt Company and Prime Industrial Fastener.

Randall B. Komar, 48, owned and operated Prime Industrial Fasteners and Alma Bolt Company.

Douglas Scott Kreck, 72, of the family forging and heat treating business Nevada.

Maryann Marzocchi, 74, Distributor’s Link.

Steve W. McKinney, 58, president of Southern Fastening Systems Inc. of Alabama.

Troy H. Palmer, 76, of Tex Thread Inc.  

Richard (Dick) Douglas Parker Jr. In 1962, he formed a buy-out company for Screw Products Dallas Corporation. He also was president of Southwest Fastener Association and vice president of National Fastener Distributors Association.

Paul A. Patnaude, 84, founder and president of Springfield Fasteners and Atlantic Fasteners.

Mason Phelps, 88, started with Pheoll Manufacturing and acquired Voi-Shan Industries (VSI).

Walter John Potoczny Jr. 59, held a Ph.D. in engineering and was an executive at Autocraft Global.

Gary L. Schuster, 63, Industrial Nut Corp.  

Ronald H. (Ronnie) Seiden, 89, founded the fastener distributorship Interstate Screw Corp. and later acquired Atlas Bolt & Nut and Allied Screw.

Norman A. Shanks, 83, founded Marathon Fasteners and North Coast Rivet Co.

Howard Payton Tinney, 59, CEO of Birmingham Fastener, which he founded as a distributorship.

Raul Torres, 77, spent his 50-year career in stainless fasteners.

William Bezaleel (Bill) Whitmore, 75, opened Simi Fastening Systems.

James G. Witt, 72, one of the original owners of Global Fastener & Supply.

Scroll down below the 2013 fastener obituaries and click on 1979-2012 Obituaries for 261 industry leaders.

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