
Global Fastener News

2011 NIFMSE Booth Total Up 9%

October 11
00:00 2011


A total of 36.8% of exhibitors in the 2011 National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo show directory list addresses outside the U.S.

That percentage does not include U.S.-based importers or international companies listing U.S. addresses.

The percentage of exhibitors with international addresses edged up from 35.7% at the 2010 show.

The 2011 show will be the third largest NIFMSE based on number of booths.


At about 750 booths, it will be up more than 8% from 689 booths at the 2010 trade show.


NIFMSE will be October 19-21, 2011, at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas.


• The key number for most exhibitors is the distributor count.  Show management announced advance registration has reached 893.


The show’s record of 1,744 (combining advance plus onsite) distribution registrations was set in 1996 in Columbus, OH. The West show’s record is 1,577 in 2007. 


Distributor registration last year was 1,033.


Onsite registrations will increase the distributor total from the 893 advance registration figure.  Not all advance registrants actually attend the show.


• The largest NIFMSE was 829 booths in 2007 in Las Vegas.  The smallest was the East show earlier this year at 55 booths in Columbus.


• Show management reports that in the machinery portion of the 2011 trade show there are 43 companies exhibiting with a total of 6,100 sq ft of space.


Conferences and an opening reception are on Wednesday and the trade show is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. For show information: fastenershows.com ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com

A total of 36.8% of exhibitors in the 2011 National Industrial Fastener & Mill Supply Expo show directory list addresses outside the U.S.

That percentage does not include U.S.-based importers or international companies listing U.S. addresses.

The percentage of exhibitors with international addresses edged up from 35.7% at the 2010 show.

The 2011 show will be the third largest NIFMSE based on number of booths.


At about 757 booths, it will be up more than 9% from 689 booths at the 2010 trade show.


NIFMSE will be October 19-21, 2011, at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas.


• The key number for most exhibitors is the distributor count.  Show management announced advance registration has reached 893.


The show’s record of 1,744 (combining advance plus onsite) distribution registrations was set in 1996 in Columbus, OH. The West show’s record is 1,577 in 2007. 


Distributor registration last year was 1,033.


Onsite registrations will increase the distributor total from the 893 advance registration figure.  Not all advance registrants actually attend the show.


• The largest NIFMSE was 829 booths in 2007 in Las Vegas.  The smallest was the East show earlier this year at 55 booths in Columbus.


• Show management reports that in the machinery portion of the 2011 trade show there are 43 companies exhibiting with a total of 6,100 sq ft of space.


Conferences and an opening reception are on Wednesday and the trade show is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. For show information: fastenershows.com ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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