
Global Fastener News

2010 – Southwestern Fastener Association History & Officers

2010 – Southwestern Fastener Association History & Officers
August 25
00:00 2010


A Brief History of the Southwestern Fastener Association

In its early stages the Southwestern Fastener Association was known as the Texas Fastener Association.
The association was founded on the basic principle that there was a need in the fastener industry to exchange ideas and experiences on successful business practices and techniques related to our market.

The association held an initial formative meeting at the La Baron Hotel in Dallas on November 21, 1974, with 27 persons, representing 20 companies.

The first formal meeting was held in January 1975, with 67 persons, representing 50 companies, in attendance.  At this meeting, the name of the group formally changed to the Southwestern Fastener Association.

Scroll down for a list of SFA officers.

Southwestern Fastener Association Officers

SFA Chairmen

1975/77 Jack Pye, Jack Pye Sales

1978  Don Barnes, Barnes Bolt

1979  Steve Palmer, Delta Fastener Corp.

1980  Mickey McClure, Capitol Bolt & Supply

1981  Wyatt Pye, Jack Pye Sales

1982  Gene Petty, Dial Supply

1983  Jerry Dunsmore, Aircom Fasteners

1984  Tom Teegarden , T. J. Teegarden Co.

1985  Loren Griswold , Grisco Bolt & Supply

1986  Ed Sostecke, Allied Bolt & Supply

1987  Mary McClure, Capitol Bolt & Supply

1988  Doug Paulson, Bell Fasteners Corp.

1989  Gordon Anderson, Brighton-Best Socket Bolt Mfg.

1990  Hubert Kasner, Central Industrial Supply

1991  John Longyear, Metric & Multistandard Components

1992  Robert Lomas, Sooner Bolt & Supply

1993  Doug Richey, Rainbow Fasteners Co., S.A. Division

1994  Chris Longyear, Metric & Multistandard Components

1995  John Hagen, MTL Industries

1996  Vince Marcheschi, Rainbow Fastener Company

1997  Joe Kratoville, Allmetric Fasteners, Inc.

1998  Tim Malone, Walker Bolt Mfg. Co.

1999  Doug Rolston, T. J. Teegarden Co.

2000  Richard Slusser, Brighton-Best Socket Screw

2001  Wayne Lamb, Heads & Threads International

2002  Cindy Summers , Fastener Sales Unlimited

2003  Robert Simpson , Partsmaster Inc.

2004  Roger Parisher, Hodell-Natco Industries

2005  Tim Ellis, Trinity Solutions

2006  Mary Jane Carr, Stelfast, Inc.

2007  Jeff Owens, Tifco Industries

2008  Bob Coursey, Big D Bolt & Tool Co.

2009  Donnie Talbert, LTR Fastener Supply Co.

2010  Mike Bailey, Nucor Fastener Division

2011  Bobby Salome, El Paso Bolt & Screw Co.

2012  Susan Davis, Southwest Distributor Sales

2013  Don Carr, Porteous Fastener Co.

2014  Tom Stocking, Brighton-Best International

2015 Michael Rodriguez, The Fastener Connection

2016 Ron Garrett, SBS Industries

2017 Matt Flajnik, American Anchor Bolt

2018 Chris Bell, G.L. Huyett


SFA Presidents

1975  Dick Parker, Screw Products Corp.

1976  Don DuBose, Smith Industries, Inc.

1977  Don Barnes, Barnes Bolt

1978  Steve Palmer, Delta Fastener Corp.

1979  Ray Robinson, HRS Fasteners, Inc.

1980  Wyatt Pye, Jack Pye Sales

1981  Gene Petty, Dial Supply

1982  Jerry Dunsmore, Aircom Fasteners

1983  Tom Teegarden, T. J. Teegarden Co.

1984  Fran Jacoby, F. J. Sales, Inc.

1985  Ed Sostecke, Allied Bolt & Screw Co.

1986  Doug Zadow, Precision Southwest, Inc.

1987  Doug Paulson, Bell Fasteners Corp.

1988  Dan Conner, N-D Industries

1989  Hubert Kasner, Central Industrial Supply Co.

1990  Paula Sens, Advanced Components Inc.

1991  Robert Lomas, Sooner Bolt & Supply, Inc.

1992  John Laine, Laine Enterprises

1993  Will Rodriguez, Rainbow Fastener Corp.

1994  Kathy Malkemes, Fastener Sales Unlimited

1995  Vince Marcheschi, Rainbow Fastener Corp.

1996  John Hagen, MTL Industries

1997  Tim Malone, Walker Bolt Mfg. Corp.

1998  Scott Turner, DDI/Rainbow Fastener Co.

1999  Susan Davis, Fastener Sales Unlimited

2000  Robert Heydenreich, Ace Bolt & Screw Co.

2001  Mary Chambers, Isodyne Sales, Inc.

2002  David Wolfe, Waco Bolt & Nut Inc.

2003  Roger Parisher, Hodell-Natco Inc.

2004  Tim Ellis, Steelfast, Inc.

2005  Mary Jane Carr, Stelfast, Inc.

2006  Jeff Owens, Tifco Industries

2007  Robert Coursey, Big D Bolt & Tool Co.

2008  Donnie Talbert, LTR Fastener & Supply

2009  Mike Bailey, Nucor Fastener

2010  Bobby Salome, El Paso Bolt & Screw Co.

2011  Susan Davis, Southwest Distributor Sales’

2012  Don Carr, Porteous Fastener Co.

2013  Tom Stocking, Stelfast Inc.

2014 Michael Rodriguez, The Fastener Connection

2015 Ron Garrett, SBS Industries

2016 Matt Flajnik, American Anchor Bolt

2017 Chris Bell, G.L. Huyett

2018 Mike Bailey, Nucor Fastener


SFA Executive Directors

1987–90  Joe Garnick

1990–2000  Deborah Richey

2000  Kathy Malkemes

2000  Margaret Mundine

2000–2001  Kathy Malkemes

2001 to present  John Elsner

©2010 Fastener Industry News

Related Links:

• Southwestern Fastener Association

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