
Global Fastener News

2006 FIN – Flickering Lights Trigger Powerful Idea

May 20
00:00 2013

August 22, 2006 FIN – Doug Adams observed storms and construction incidents causing “interruptions” in electrical service in the area. EFC International gained orders when a “minor competitor” completely shut down due to a power outage.

Then one day the lights at EFC’s St. Louis headquarters flickered and CEO Adams declared, “That’s it.” Then he set out to protect his master distributorship from power outages.
EFC International installed instant-on power generators in each of its locations in St. Louis, Chicago and Atlanta to keep the company operating during storm-related power outages and rolling blackouts. The generators power computers, phone systems, web services and air conditioning.
“We’re a very techie company and that makes EFC particularly dependent on electricity, ” Adams told FIN.
Duplicate systems are located at EFC locations in different cities providing seamless data flow if the first system goes down. The redundancy allows other EFC locations to service customers even if one is out elsewhere.
Adams expects it will pay off in the future. “Our competition is doing nothing. We’re doing something. Customers don’t come back.”
Adams is particularly glad this summer to have the generators. “Last year was hot and this year is hotter and many regions had rolling blackouts or brownouts,” Adams recalled.
He isn’t done preparing EFC for power independence. “I’m even looking into a wind generator,” he told FIN.
Adams is surprised at the number of suppliers who don’t have disaster plans or policies. Many don’t even have backup for their telephone systems so then can’t communicate with customers in an outage. EFC is prepared in other ways for disasters. Adams even hopes to avoid Mississippi River flooding as his headquarters is located “on very high ground” in St. Louis.
“We’re pretty darn bulletproof,” Adams declared. Founded in 1983, EFC International supplies specialty metal, plastic, electrical and assembled component parts to OEMs and distributors. EFC is headquartered at 1940 Craigshire Rd., St. Louis, MO 63146. Tel: 314 434-2888 or 800 888-3326 Fax 314 434-2902 Web: efc-intl.com ©1996/2013 Fastener Industry News.
For information on permission to reuse or reprint this article please e-mail: FIN@GlobalFastenerNews.com
Related Links:

• EFC International

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