
Global Fastener News

100 Specialty Screws Per Plasma TV Boosts Manufacturers’ Sales

May 29
00:00 2006

100 Specialty Screws Per Plasma TV Boosts Manufacturers’ Sales

John Wolz

Plasma television sales are spurring specialty screw sales for Nitto Seiko Co Ltd.. of Japan. The company will expand production of its CP-Grip for plasma display panel by 150% to 360 units and raise another 20% for 2007, the Nikkei Business Daily reported.

Matsushita Electric uses about 100 specialty screws on each plasma television panel. Mitsushita anticipates doubling global sales of plasma TVs to 4 million units this year.

Nitto Seiko is adding 10 machines this year and a similar amount in 2007 to broaden sales to other television manufacturers. The CP Grip threads are coated with a resin with microscopic drops of oil to absorb any metal flakes falling off threads to prevent them from scattering in the circuitry or causing shorts.

Nitto Seiko was founded in 1938 as a manufacturer of x-ray timers and dial gauges. Today manufacturing of industrial fasteners totals 65% of Nitto Seiko sales; assembly machines 27%; and control equipment 8%. The company has 788 employees and is traded on the Osaka Stock Exchange and reported 2005 sales of Yen 32.9 billion (US$29.2m) and is headquartered at 20 Umegahata, Inokura-Cho, Ayabe, Kyoto 623 0054, Japan. Tel: (81) 773 423111 Fax (81) 773 42 8426 Web: nittoseiko.co.jp �2006 FastenerNews.com

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